Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Richmond Real Estate Market Recovering?

ERA's new CEO, Charlie Young, came to speak at Napier's company meeting this morning. ERA has over 600 companies, in 50 different countries, and 33,000 sales associates worldwide. Charlie brings perspective with him by the truckload!

During his talk, he mentioned the economic cycle of real estate and how that cycle is in different places around the country. Some of the markets that led us into the real estate decline are now beginning to lead us out of it. Markets like California, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, and Michigan are improving year over year.

The market here in Richmond seems to be very close to bottom with a few markets trending towards the early stages of recovery. Funny, just this morning a guest on the Today Show declared the recession is over. Our comments, "We're glad to hear that. Now we can move on." Bottom line, we may not be out of the woods all the way, but a lot of us think the edge of the forest is just off in the distance...

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