Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Greater Richmond Incentives Summary

  • Infrastructure improvement incentives including road access, utility extensions and connection costs, and off-site improvements will be negotiated by individual localities.
  • Enterprise Zones in Chesterfield, Henrico and the City of Richmond offer local tax and financing incentives in addition to the state’s Enterprise Zone incentives.
  • Foreign Trade Zone #207 at Richmond International Airport provides space for storage, distribution, and light assembly operations. Imported goods held in the zone are not subject to U.S. Customs duties until they leave the zone and enter the U.S. for domestic consumption. Duties are not paid on broken or wasted product or on items that are exported.
  • Financing for small businesses is available through the James River Development Corporation, the Crater Development Company, and REDC Community Capital Group Inc.
  • Dominion Virginia Power offers a variety of rate options that may lower operating costs for commercial and industrial users.

Article from the July newsletter of The Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc.

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